Thursday 12 May 2016

School Assignments!

School Assignments, what could be better?
Well, some of these assignments are my least favourites! Fun, right?
  1. Booklets
    • I have this thing about booklets. If the textbook says "the five most important qualities are..." and the question asks " what are the five most important qualities..." then you aren't making me work for anything, or actually think. So, no booklets for me thanks!
    • I know that this is an "easy A" but I never retain any information from these booklets
  2. DIY, Teach the Class!
    • I just finished two units in two separate classes where the teacher gave each of us a topic, we must come up with a presentation to explain this topic and give the class a quiz on this topic.
    • Now, these things don't ever really work out. Everything goes in one ear and out the other. If there is no note-taking involved I can't focus.
    • These things are just bad news.
  3. Posters
    • I am an environmentally friendly person so if a teacher comes up and says "I will only accept posters" I mentally yell at them.
    • The average class has 20-30 people, and if all of those people need a poster, that's a bunch of paper wasted.
    • And then if everyone needs to type up their information, you've just killed 5 trees!
    • Don't do posters. Just don't.
  4. Group Projects
    • All group projects play out in the same way.
    • 1-2 people do the work while the rest of the group doesn't put in any efforts
    • The teacher assesses the whole project
  5. ESSAYS!!!!!!!!!
    • Now, my mind works in lists (as you can clearly tell) and an essay makes no sense. I would much rather make charts, make lists, do a graph, ANYTHING BUT ESSAYS!
    • Especially when you have to hand in:
      • Brainstorm, outline, drafts, edits, etc.
      • AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! This drives me bonkers!
Question of the Week: Do you have a least favourite project?

Monday 25 April 2016

Animal Groups!

Have a list of animal groups that you never needed, never wanted and is completely useless!

  • BADELYNGE: a group of ducks sitting on the ground
  • PUMP: a group of ducks in flight
  • SKEIN: a group of geese in flight
  • BUSINESS: a group of ferrets
  • CLUTTER: a group od spiders
  • DOLE: a group of swimming turtles
  • KINDLE: a group of playful kittens
  • TOWER: a group of grazing giraffes
  • SMUCK/SMACK: a group of jellyfish
  • TROUBLING: a group of goldfish
  • UNKINDNESS: a group of ravens
  • VENUE: a group of vultures scouting for prey
  • MUTE: a group of hunting hounds
  • DESCENT: a group of busy woodpeckers
  • EARTH: a group of foxes
I'm sure that will not be all of the animal groupings (I have an extensive list after all) so be prepared for more!

Question of the Week: Which of these groups have you seen most recently?

I found this picture on Google Images and found it too cute to resist putting it in the post.
The business of ferrets isn't very busy I guess!

Tuesday 19 April 2016

A Wizardly List of Harry Potter Facts!

Now, my family is filled with Harry Potter fans, so I set myself to looking up facts about the series and its author. Here are my favourite 8 that I found!

  1. J.K. Rowling said that "Voldemort" should be pronounced with a silent "t" (but only if you dare).
  2. Dursley is a small town where J.K. Rowling was raised.
  3. Dumbledore means "bumblebee" in Old English.
  4. Since Rowling insisted that the entire cast of all movies must be British, Liam Aiken (who was supposed to play Harry) was fired on the grounds of not being British after acting for one day on set.
  5. The last four books in the Harry Potter series became the fastest selling books in history after they were released.
  6. As an attempt to remain as true to the books as possible, Harry was fitted with contact lenses and Hermione with buckteeth. After realizing that Daniel Radcliff's eyes couldn't stop tearing up and Emma Watson couldn't speak properly, the idea was dropped.
  7. J.K. Rowling is known as "Jo" to her friends.
  8. Hagrid's name is derived from the term "hagridden" which means tormented or harassed with worry/dread.
So, that was fun.

Question of the Week: Do you have a favourite book series?

Harry Potter is my second most favourite series, but my heart will forever and always belong to ERAGON!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 13 April 2016

4 Weird Translations

So I speak German and sometimes I think about some weird translations that make as much sense as a flying mushroom.

So these are my favourite translations:

  1. Sun-screen
    • Sunscreen translates to sun-milk, so apparently the milk of the sun protects us from the heat of the sun (makes no sense but just go along with it)
  2. The phrase "I am so lucky"
    • "I am so lucky" translates into "I am such a lucky mushroom". I don't really understand why mushrooms are lucky, but to each his/her own.
  3. Glockenspiel
    • Now this is the opposite, translation from German to English.
    • Translated it means "bells playing" and since it's an instrument, of course the bells would be playing!
  4. The term "funny" (witzig)
    • anything can be funny but the translation of "funny" means "joke-ish" (witz meaning joke)
Anyways, I hope I've either confused or enlightened you!

Now the question of the week is: Can you count to 15 in any language? If not, there's a homework assignment!

Bye :)

Tuesday 5 April 2016

School Again!!!

We just got back to school from the Easter Break (Happy Belated Easter, if this applies to you) and now its time for school again.
These are the:

Top 3 Reasons Why Going Back to School After a Break is Hard
  1. The Sleep Schedule
    • A break means sleeping in, sleeping as much and long as you want to and basically just a lot of sleep.
    • Now its time for school again and you are so used to getting up at 10 am at the earliest that you have trouble dragging your body out of bed and starting your day.
    • Mondays are always hard but nothing is worse than a Monday after the break.
  2. The Forgetfulness
    • If you're in high school, you'll most likely receive some sort of homework over the break.
    • Now chances are, you put it off until Sunday night and in your rush of sleeping in late (see point 1) you leave it on your desk. Great!
    • And let's not mention the countless other things that are probably forgotten.
      • Ex) Gym clothes
  3. The Expectations
    • Leading up to the break, there are expectations to be met
      • Ex) Going over to friends, sleepovers, shopping trips to Saskatioon, etc.
    • And of course, after the break, the popular question is: "Sooo, what di you do over the break?" and most of the time, it's a boring answer.

Now these reasons are derived from my own personal experiences, and who knows, you may have travelled to the moon during the break, but anyways, Happy Tuesday!

Question of the Week: What is your favourite thing to do during your time off?  (Whether it be from school or work)

Friday 18 March 2016

Childhood Stories!

Hi! I recently had a conversation with my dad about what my brother and I did as young children. After a while, he pulled out a USB and we spent the evening watching baby videos.
So these are my two favourite childhood memories:

1. The Watermelon Story

It was summer and we were having a picnic outside. My dad had just finished cutting the watermelon and returned to the kitchen to put the knife away after having placed a baby chunk on my plate, a medium chunk on my mom's plate and a huge chunk on his own plate.
Before returning to the kitchen, he took a huge bite of watermelon. I looked over, ignored my baby piece and instead, crawled over to his plate, opened my mouth as wide as possible and attempted to take as big as a bite out of the melon as my father had.
The watermelon now had two dents in it, a big one, and a tiny one.
The camera began shaking (my mom laughed herself to near death) and my dad returned and also started laughing.

2. The Dances

In the glorious time before my brother was born, I would often have dance parties with my parents, especially to the old "techno" music my dad has always been a fan of.
Many of the videos I watched a few nights ago featured me, on my parents bed, trying to imitate the dances my parents were doing. (I believe once they were slow dancing and I turned the other way :P)
Other videos showed me getting up (or trying to) and moving my feet (attempting to) in the same fashion as several of my parents friends laughed and cooed at what a cute baby I was.
Dancing was fun.

Well, maybe I inspired you to dig out your own baby videos, or not.

Question of the Week: What's the weather like? Here it WON'T STOP SNOWING!!!!!! AAAARRRGGGHHH

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Canada! A Cold, Unforgiving Abyss

Sometimes, I wish I lived in Mexico, Hawaii, maybe even the Sahara Desert. The reason for this is that Canada tends to be cold, quite cold (so cold my friends tell me to "get away!" when I come near them to warm myself up)
Here are:

The Top 5 Reasons Why I Sometimes Wish I Didn't Live In Canada
  1. Did I mention the cold? Or the scalding heat in the summer? It's always one extreme or the other!
    • Canada is the only place on Earth where you can get a sunburn, frostbite and be blinded, all in one day.
  2. Some (ignorant) people don't know how to say simple words or places:
    • Ex) Saskatchewan - Sass-cat-chew-un (It's really simple, yet people tend to get it wrong)
    • Ex) Saskatoon - Sass-cah-tune
  3. The Stereotypes
    • No, we don't drink maple syrup every morning
    • No, not everyone likes bacon ( I for one HATE it!!!!!)
    • I have never, ever heard anyone say "Aboot" we say "about" (like a normal person)
    • We also don't say "eh" (ok, maybe sometimes, but only RARELY)
    • No one! I repeat NO ONE!!! lives in an igloo and we don't have pet penguins
  4. THE SNOW!!!!!!!
    • I live in Saskatchewan (look to point number 2 to pronounce it correctly, please) and we get A LOT of snow.
    • One annoying thing about the snow, it snows about 10 cm, the next week all of it melts and then Mother Nature decides to throw a curveball and the next morning, you wake up to another blanket of snow (this happened yesterday)
  5. Since Canada is generally an awesome place, I couldn't think of another reason

Question of the Week: When do you take down your Christmas Lights?